Sunday, July 24, 2011

philadelphia, july 24 2011

Philadelphia, July 24 2011

We went to the Academy of natural sciences and had all sort of fun

nice teeth!

and not such nice teeth!

Of course, any trip is incomplete without ... you guessed in - gelato! we are going to get gelato - and here are some views of philadelphia - going towards rittenhouse square from academy of sciences.

judging from the past experiences with hollywood movies it will be very stupid.  I am glad they admitting it early and incorporating it into they promotional campaign. Honest, i guess?

waiting for gelato!

rittenhouse square and cappuccino at la columbe

nina tried some milk foam.

walk back to the car

only in philadelphia. it is middle of july and middle of the major heat wave. i call these urban stalactites.



Wednesday, July 20, 2011

chair #4

chair #4, originally uploaded by agpolaris.
My first monoprint. I also made a print of ball chair but it was an utter failure.

chair #3

chair #3, originally uploaded by agpolaris.
ball chair or "fox in a cup" according to Henry. This type of chair reminds me of Number 2 in "the Prisoner"

Monday, July 18, 2011

chairs #2

chairs #2, originally uploaded by agpolaris.
Chairs project - day 2. Chairs head ornament - good for chair designer - you can show off all your designs at once :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

100 days of chairs - day 1

100 days project is an assignment that Michel Bierut gives to his students at the graduate graphic design workshop he teaches at Yale School of Art, his article about it here
I decided to make "Chairs" my 100 day project. I will do a drawing with chair or chairs in it - real chairs or imaginary. This one is the chair from Amsterdam marionette theater, in real life it was red velvet and gold, bird is one of the marionettes from the play I saw there - "Doctor Faust".  One down 99 to go.
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