My friend Melissa Markoff and I are working on a book. It is called "PLUCK THIS" the ultimate A to Z guide about eyebrows. It is a collection of illustrated zany poems about ... what else? eyebrows! here is a small selection for you:
F is for Frida
Frida looked in the mirror and said "F*%# it!"
Her tweezerman then she did chuck it
"My unibrow isn't bad
In fact it's totally rad
So if you don't like it go suck it!"
R is for Rebel without a Cause
Rebel-without-a cause-brows grow in every which direction
Their wild and wooly appearance is no cause for vituperation
They're only looking for a father figure, lover or best friend to say:
"Don't sweat the existential angst, it will all turn out OK!"
The book should be available for purchase in the fall.